Free Range Eggs

£8.99 Per Tray

30 X Large Free Range Eggs .This Item Is PLASTIC FREE. Sold Only Per Tray.

Free Range Eggs are prized for their rich, golden yolks and firm, flavourful whites, characteristics that enhance culinary creations.




Free Range Eggs Description :

Free-range eggs, laid by hens allowed to roam outdoors, offer a distinct flavour and quality. These eggs are prized for their rich, golden yolks and firm, flavourful whites, characteristics that enhance culinary creations. With their vibrant hue and robust texture, free-range eggs elevate dishes with their natural richness and depth of flavour. Whether used in baking, frying, or poaching, these eggs add a touch of excellence to any recipe. Known for their ethical sourcing and environmental sustainability, free-range eggs embody a commitment to animal welfare and responsible farming practices, making them a preferred choice for conscientious consumers.

Health Benefits :

While I can’t provide health advice or specific benefits, free-range eggs are often considered to have similar nutritional benefits to conventional eggs. They are a good source of protein, vitamins such as B12 and D, minerals like selenium and zinc, and healthy fats including omega-3 fatty acids. Additionally, some studies suggest that free-range eggs may contain higher levels of certain nutrients due to the hens’ varied diet, including more vitamin E and beta-carotene. However, individual nutritional content can vary based on factors like the hens’ diet and living conditions. It’s always best to consult a healthcare professional for personalized health advice.

Recipe :

Here’s a classic recipe for a delicious Free-Range Egg Omelette:

– 2 free-range eggs
– 2 tablespoons milk or water
– Salt and pepper to taste
– Fillings of your choice (e.g., diced vegetables, cheese, cooked meats)

1. Crack the eggs into a bowl and add the milk or water. Whisk until well combined.
2. Season the egg mixture with salt and pepper to taste.
3. Heat a non-stick frying pan over medium heat and add a little oil or butter to coat the bottom.
4. Pour the egg mixture into the pan and tilt it to spread the eggs evenly.
5. Allow the eggs to cook undisturbed for a minute or until the edges start to set.
6. Use a spatula to gently lift the edges of the omelette and tilt the pan to let any uncooked egg mixture flow to the edges.
7. Once the omelette is mostly set but still slightly runny on top, add your desired fillings to one half of the omelette.
8. Carefully fold the other half of the omelette over the fillings to form a half-moon shape.
9. Cook for another minute or until the omelette is fully set and the fillings are heated through.
10. Slide the omelette onto a plate and serve hot.
11. Enjoy your delicious and nutritious Free-Range Egg Omelette!



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